Tuesday, August 16, 2005

my neighborhood | road city

This is my friend Billy's new blog. He's just getting started, but it looks promising.


  1. This blog is off to a great start. I happen to be a "roadgeek" myself, though the topic of highways has yet to be discussed on Paradox Unbound. I am so grateful that the Web demonstrates I am not alone in having peculiar interests.

    Thanks for the referral Steve.

  2. I figured you might like that blog, Mitch. I'm not as big a roadgeek as you are, but I have an appreciation for them.

    Billy's a great guy and we've been discussing Carolina Circle Mall on UrbanPlanet for a while now.

    He's provided me waith a lot of excellent information on that mall, and I figured I could, in a small way, repay him for his genorosity by mentioning his blog, which is great.
