Tuesday, August 30, 2005

my neighborhood | shopopolis

Shopopolis, Consuming the Future, and other post-Malling of America observations...

This is the blog of William Severini Kowinski, author of The Malling of America, one of my favorite books.


  1. MALLS. :::drools:::

    non sequitur: Why don't they do Worlds Fairs anymore? They all seem so cool and futuristic, and the poster artwork that came out of nearly all of them is awesome.

    Perhaps because... The Future Is Now?

  2. I'm glad we both keep digging up Web Sites that demonstrate we are hardly alone in our love for malls. I must say, though, that no one on the Web is more of a mall/retail guru than you...not even me!

  3. Jocelyn: Mall fans are always welcome at steve's blog!

    I don't know what happend to World's Fairs either. I miss them. Never actually been to one, but still they were really cool. Maybe they got too expensive to stage or something.

    There was one near me in Knoxville, Tennessee in 1982. My brother and I wanted to go SOOO bad. But the closest we got were the TV commercials ("The 1982 World's Fair...you've got to BEEEEE THERRRRE" LOL) and the side panels of our Flav-O-Rich Chocolate Milk in elementary school. Apparently they were the "official milk of the fair."

    Mitch: I spotted this one at Malls of America and I linked it because William Severini Kowinski was the first writer (in my grasp)to ever take malls seriously enough to write a whole book about their sociology. I had to have read The Malling of America at least a half-dozen times growing up.
