Monday, October 03, 2005

New Balance M991 & W991 discontinued

It's the end of an era. The men's M991 (a favorite of mine) and Women's W991 running shoes are being discontinued by New Balance. You can still purchase the 991 series while stock is available.

The 991 model will be replaced by the 992 in December 2005. The Men's M992 will be available in grey and the Women's W992 will be available in white and grey. Other colors will be added in the future.


  1. No!!! 991's are my life... it's my favorite shoe.

  2. I hope that New Balance maintains the look and feel of the 991 in the 992. It's a classic look and the shoes feel incredible for both running and leisure wear.

  3. I owned a pair a NB's back in the dizzle. I don't think they were even the recommended pair of shoes for running (an ill-considered and quickly aborted fitness venue) for my feet, but were they a shoe! This is when they first came out and were busting nike's balls on the running shoe front. Typical of me, I wore them to a state of bedraggled unwearability -- the heal casing was virtually missing in the end...the county dump kept rejecting them as unworthy.......

    I don't image they were the same model, but you gotta love NB's willingness to consistently bust out the same model, maintaining a loyal runners' demographic -- quite a different thing from Nike's edge-oriented marketing schematic ........

  4. New Balance is awesome, and they're made in the USA, too!

    I can respect NB's willingness to meet the needs of runners and fitness enthusiasts. That comittment to quality and meaningful change has also kept them in good stead with the "average Joe" as of late. I've never seen so many people in New Balances in my life!

    As you might imagine, I have several pairs of NBs. They're good for people with "problem feet" (in my case, flat and narrow) and I like the style of them. Anti-fashion can be a good thing. I'm debating wheter to throw out a pair of 806s at the moment. They're past their prime, but just broken in enough to be really comforatble. This would be a no brainer if I wasn't over-run with sneaker choices right now. I guess I'll hold onto them a little longer. I never know when I might need them.
