Monday, January 16, 2006

slushies for fun and profit

While out at Bed Bath and Beyond yesterday I saw what has to be the coolest appliance I’ve seen in a while. Euro-Pro makes a machine that allows you to make your own slushy desserts at home. All you need is ice, salt and your favorite beverage. The process seems fairly simple and it was relatively cheap, so of course I got it.

If it works well, I’m thinking about getting a second one and operating them at our annual July 4th party along with my commercial popcorn maker. If they sell well enough, I might make the leap up to the commercial slushie machine, which is quite expensive, but could serve more people.


  1. Well, wonder how it worked? I just bought one online from BC Govt auction site. Paid too much no doubt but can't wait 'til it gets here

  2. It seems to work pretty well. It needs more rock salt than the instructions say, and you need some fairly sweet liquid to give it that Slurpee (tm) look and feel.
